Table Rock, Fall colors

November 2, 2011 at 12:59 pm | Posted in fall, south carolina | Leave a comment
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Oct 31, 2011 I decided to give myself another treat and do a digital sketch on top of Table Rock…

On election day, I decided to treat myself and go up for a hike on Table Rock in South Carolina.  This is one of the more popular places to hike in the upstate, but on a Tuesday afternoon I found very few people.  It’s a beautiful place but its a rigorous hike up as you seem to climb rocky step after rocky step.  Unfortunately there is graffiti on the rocks but the hike does weed out the lazy vandals.


I did a water color sketch nearly 2 years earlier…

south carolina tablerock water color


Table Rock

January 11, 2010 at 5:37 am | Posted in Digital Painting, south carolina, winter | Leave a comment
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Winter is much different in South Carolina than it is in Ontario.  The sky seems bluer and the light is clear.  But this day it was unseasonably cold and you can see the ice fall on the side of the mountain.  But there is little to no snow and so you have more browns and yellows to deal with.  I like both climates and tend to enjoy painting snow with all the different values of blue and white.  Table Rock is a great place to hike and explore, but it’s one of the most strenuous hike to the top.  I’ve lived on the west coast and have hiked some big mountains, but Table Rock is almost a vertical hike from the beginning.  I did some fall sketches on top of it and will continue to capture this great place all season.

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